Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

Hidup sehari tanpa TV

Hallo anak muda Indonesia

Pernahkah kamu hidup seharian tanpa TV, HP/BB, internetan /facebookan, dan merasakan, merenungi apa saja yang telah kamu lakukan atau perbuat untuk lingkungan kamu. Apa saja yang telah kamu perbuat untuk membantu pemerintah mengurangi pemakaian listrik hahaha. :sobrakana:yap PT. PLN sekarang seperti sedang megap-megap /kaya ikan kali, kadang nyala kadang mati, :woooh:ayo hemat listrik, kurangi penggunaan listrik di kala siang hari, kurangi penggunaan air conditioner /AC ketika sedang musim hujan seperti sekarang :sweaty:(karena udara kan udah dingin), kalau kamu benar benar peduli dengan listrik cabut semua kabel kabel listrik yang tidak terpakai dari saklar.:lamagawa:

:astig:Berikut ini saya bahas hidup tanpa TV

Nowadays TV is full with entertainment program such as gossip show, talent show, music show, sinetron, telenovela, Film and news. People start watch TV from morning untill night. Sometime they have forgotten to do an activity in outside room. Government should control TV broadcast because TV can damage the moral if you watch it all the time 24 hours a day 7 day a week.

July 26, 2009 as Day Without TV, a day in which part we are advised to turn off TV. This aims to slightly reduce the negative impact of broadcast TV and now government should make a variety of program especially for children.

Day Without a TV was first held in 2006, as one of the season of the National Children's Day commemoration. The impact caused by TV cannot be denied by very large television broadcasting. Sometime television broadcasting bring the audience to the elements of violence, the reality is sometimes there are no a direct impact on less well for the growth of psychiatric children. We know that without television we get less information uptodate.

According to Prof. Dr. Arief Rahman (Guru large UNJ), Day without television as a form of this reaction is that broadcast TV is showing a lot of materials that are less educated children of the nation. TV broadcasting material must balance between entertainment, education and information as a form of responsibility towards the education of the nation shoots.

Commemoration : peringatan, perayaan

Kamis, 16 Juli 2009

Classical Soto Ayam in english

Classical Soto Ayam
Portion: 6 People
Soto Ayam classic recipe, sauce, and consists of content (1:1 / 2) form shredded chicken, boiled eggs, and vegetables: beans prouf, celery. The Complement are fried potato puree, fried onions, sauce and sambal.
1.5 liter water
1 tail (800 g) of fat free-range chicken, cut the 8
3 tbsp vegetable oil
Stem leaves 2 onions, sliced crosswise 1 cm
1 stem Serai, take the white part, bruised
2 pieces of rough-skinned citrus leaves

To Grind ground (stir fry without oil)
6 cloves garlic
3 candlenuts roasted
sangrai 2 cm turmeric, roasted
1 cm fresh ginger
1 / 2 tsp pepper grain, roasted
1 tsp salt

Ingredients :
150 g beans prouf, clean, soak in boiling water and drain
100 g glass noodle, soak in hot water until smooth, drain, cut into pieces
2 chicken eggs, boiled, cut into pieces
1 stem celery, finely sliced
1 tbsp fried garlic
2 tbsp red onion

Supplement :
Fried Potatos puree
Steamed chilly
citrus fruit cut into pieces
sweet soy sauce

How to Make it :
- Boil the chicken on the small fire until tender. Put a side
- Heat oil, saute the spices, until smells good.
- Add spring onion, lemongrass, and orange leaves. Stir until withered done stir to languish Lift.
- Pour in the chicken stew. Cook back on the small fire until the flavor permeate.
- Drain the chicken, shred it, put a side. Measure the chicken broth as much as 1250 ml and boil again.
- Serve: In the food bowl, put beans prout, glass noodle, shreded chicken, and eggs. Add the boiled, broth, celery, garlic fries, and fried onion.

Serve warm with its supplement

Senin, 18 Mei 2009

Puterin Lagu Band Indie Kamu di MSTRI Fm


Di belahan bumi manapun,kekuatan Indie music saat ini bukan hanya berkembang pesat, tapi patut diperhitungkan kekuatannya. Radio MS TRI berkeyakinan menjadi fasilisator Indie adalah sebuah pekerjaan serius yet fun.!.Dengerin kisah-kisah sukses musikus-musikus Indie, tips-tips dan rahasia sukses di dunia indie, langsung dari sumbernya, yang kami peroleh dari mancanegara! You will be amazed (Kagum-terpesona-tersanjung deh)!!! Anda juga dapat melakukan promosi Indie music anda!!! Genre music tidak terbatas ! Yang penting berkualitas dan enak didengar! (Tidak Melayu dan mendayu dayu kaya lagu malay):please:

2 Paket promo telah di buat untuk memenuhi target promosi anda!

Rp 2.500.000,-

Termasuk dalam harga ini adalah:
Promosi 1 bulan penuh (30 hari) dengan perincian sbb:
 3 kali song run / setiap hari selama 30 hari;Total :90 Airplay
 2 kali song run/pada hari jumat&Sabtu (Indie Time);Total 16 Airplay
 1 kali Insert interview 5 menit live dari tempat Band YBS berlatih / manggung
 1 kali unplugged Live performance+Interview di Studio MS TRI (30 Menit)
 1 kali Spot/Minggu;Total spot 4/bulan
 Biaya pembuatan Spot : Free OF Charge
 Wall Posting promo di Facebook fan Page MS TRI,2 kali/minggu,8X/bulan

RP 2.000.000
Termasuk dalam harga ini adalah;
 3 kali run / setiap hari selama 30 hari;Total :90 Airplay
 2 kali run/pada hari jumat&Sabtu (Indie Time);Total 16 Airplay
 1 kali Insert interview 5 menit live dari tempat Band YBS berlatih/manggung
 Wall Posting promo di Facebook fan Page MS TRI,1 kali/minggu,4X/bulan


1.Setiap INDIE BAND tetap harus melewati tahapan seleksi yang ketat dari Team music MS TRI demikian juga pemilihan lagu yang akan di=run

2.INDIE MUSIC yang paling banyak mendapatkan request akan di waiting list kan di beberapa major label

3, INDIE MUSIC yang paling banyak mendapatkan request akan dipilih dalam Festival Indie Tahunan MS TRI :bringiton:

Hubungi IRVAN 021 93738214
:hi: siapkan lagu kamu dalam bentuk cd ya

Selasa, 12 Mei 2009

My idol is Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey

Her Full name : James Eugene Carrey

Born in : Newmarket, Ontario, Kanada, 17 Januari 1962

Biografi :

Jim Carrey is known as an actor all at once a producer, script writer and musician. The Movies starred by Carrey are dominantly comedian. Even so, his debut movie RUBBERFACE (1981) was included in drama category.

As a celebrity Carrey got married twice, His first wife was Melissa Womer then later divorced in November 1993. Carrey then got married again with an actress Lauren Holly, but in July 1997. again he was divorced.

After the divorce, the actor Golden Globe nominee has make a relationship with an actress Renee Zellweger, when they played together in film ME, MYSELF AND IRENE (2000). Lately, Carrey was recorded kissing an actress named Jenny McCarthy in June 2006.

Maybe the golden era comedian the rubber face Jim Carrey was over a long time ago. But last we saw Carrey in a Comedy Film Fun with Dick and Jane is a little bit succesfull. And the other Films from Jim Carrey are “Yes Man”, The Six Million Dollar Man, Ace Ventura, Harry Christmas, Wedding Crashers, Nothing Like the Holidays.

dikutip dari dari kapanlagi.com

Mario Teguh

Believe that most of us have known with this motivator Mario Teguh, the inspiring man whose face is always seen on TV. He also has a business, the main business is consultant of effectiveness.

Mario Teguh is one of my idols. He gots married to Ibu Linna on Jan' 28,2003 and blessed with 2 children.

As a motivator Pak Mario is far from over esteemed person and his attitude is very calm, cool, and his face also full with smile, these are able to make who ever sees him feel good.

Below are the samples of the tips from Pak Mario Teguh, I hope these can be motivation the spirit for us who want to be a succesfull.

  • Our Task is not being a succesfull task is to try, becouse in trying we will find and learn how to build the opportunity for a success.
  • You are only close with one you like, frequently, you avoid some one which you don't like, where as from him / her you will know a new point of view.
  • One who stop studying, will be a owner of the past period, one who still continue studying will inherit the future.
  • Please leave the happiness which will stop your bright achievement, and be careful, because, the happiness is the fun way to go to the failure.
  • The skill of doing come from doing.
Tulisan ini di ambil dari Kursus Bahasa Inggris di Mesjid Al Mukhlisin

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